Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is Greg Abbott wasting out time and money?

Blog: burnt orange report

In this blog that Michael Hurta wrote he is talking about what his opinion is on how Greg Abbott is wasting Texas' money over a lawsuit on the New Health Care Reform. My question on this is really why Greg Abbott feels so strongly about handling this case, when even his own client isn't even interested in taking it any further? Doesn't really make sense to me. Another question I have is how he is expecting to pay for this lawsuit. He better figure out if there can be some kind of payment plan that he can manage to do. It's not like money grows from trees, so him actually wanting to go through with this case is just ridiculous and unrealistic. He obviously has no idea on how expensive it is. Our Texan legislative leaders find that Abbott's rejection of Texans Health Insurance as being a waste of our money. He's spending way too much time and money on the lawsuit, when we could spending more time and emphasis on education, medical care, employment, and clean air and water. Things that should and need to be focued more on. It's sad how much it isn't. After watching the video on Abbott's explanation to why he feels the need to carry on with this case against the new healthcare reform, everything that he had to say about it pretty much just went over my head. He didn't even have any legit or reasonable points to why. If your going to make an arguement over something you feel so strongly about, might as well come up with some valid points, rather then to leave people guessing on to how come you feel that way, and why so strongly. No wonder people are doubting if Texas is going to win. And how come he is spending our State's resources on something that won't even go in effect for another four years? To me Michael Hurta couldn't be more right, in that Greg Abbott is just wasting his time and, the lawsuit is pointless. There are so many other problems out there in our state that need to be taken care of well before this little situation. But i guess Greg Abbott is just living in a different state of mind for the time being.

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