Friday, May 14, 2010

Raising the standard Blog commentary

I agree and disagree with Maribel Perez's opinion stated in her Raise the Standards blog regarding remedial and developmental classes. In my opinion if the student has already passed their classes and their grade level TAKS test they obviously have been exposed to the knowledge necessary to avoid having to take remedial or developmental classes. The problem lies with with the students who took the easy route by cheating, or not putting in their full effort and barely passing. These are the students who are now stuck in remedial classes. I don't believe the TAKS test is the major issue, the issue is irresponisible students. If they want to be succesful in high school and college they need to apply themselves more to avoid academic consequences. I for one can relate to test anxiety, I suffer from it badly. But I cannot use that as my crutch as a student. Everyone has to take tests, that's just another necessary hurdle that student's have to try and do their best on so they can move on to what's next.